Scenario is two-dimensional array of class.Tile, you can iterate over them with for loop or get tile with indexes. There's plenty of helpfull methods, which make using tiles easier.
- width (readonly): scenario width
- height (readonly): scenario height
- toJSON(): return dict()
- size(): return size
- resize(newWidth, newHeight): resize scenario
- row(row): return tiles from row number
- collumn(collumn): return collumn tiles from col number
- clearTerrain(terrainType=0): set all tiles to terrain type
- clearElevation(elevation=0): set whole elevation to elevation=0
- getByTerrain(terrainType): return tiles with specific terrain type
- getByElevation(elevation): return tiles with specific elevation
- getArea(x1, y1, x2, y2): return tiles within selected area
- replaceTerrain(terrainType, newType): replace whole terrain with new terrain type
- incElevation(increase=1): increase elevation on all tiles
- decElevation(decrease=1): decrease elevation on all tiles
Placing desert in middle of map
>>> size = 8 # grid size
>>> cx = cy = scenario.tiles.width // 2 # center coordinations
>>> grid = scenario.tiles.getArea(cx, cy, cx+size, cy+size)
>>> for tile in grid:
>>> tile.type = 4